The Black Stuff Between Your Car and The Road – The Tires

Those black, rubber circles are the only things which stand between your car and the road, which means that you should never under-estimate the importance of having good quality, well maintained tires that are in great condition. With out a decent pair of tires your vehicle can feel as if it is driving on ice, have poor fuel efficiency, handle poorly, not stop when it should or even suffer a blow out at speed . . . all of these are dangerous scenarios and finest to be avoided.

The bottom line . . . should you look after the tires in your motor they are happy to return the favor.

One of the most easiest and important points to remember is to maintain the correct tire pressure. If your tires are under-inflated they will overheat which can cause them to wear out faster and have more rolling resistance which means that more fuel will be used to maintain speed. If, however your tires have ended-inflated, it can lead to poor and even dangerous handling.


It is definitely important that your vehicle is fitted with the correct type of tire. Don’t be tempted to fit tires which have different specifications to the people advised by the manufacturer – take into account the load and speed ratings of the tires for maximum safety and efficiency.

If you try this advice, looking after your tires is pretty simple:

• It is impossible to tell in the event the tire pressure is correct just by looking at your tires, check them an accurate pressure gauge.


• Make sure that your spare tire is pumped, roadworthy and prepared for action. You never can tell when you are going to need it.

• Tires will lose a small amount of air after a while so make certain you check the pressures every couple of weeks. Alternatively, at least one time a month.

• Heat may cause the tire pressures to rise temporarily so try to determine the pressures when the tires continue to be cold. Never check them after you have driven a long distance because this is not going to give a precise reading.

• Always replace the valve caps on the tires. This will help to to prevent debris from entering the valve core.

If your tires have either too much or too little pressure it can be extremely dangerous, • Remember that.

• If you notice a fast change in one of your tires have it checked over by a specialist immediately. When a tire fails while you are traveling at a high speed the consequences can be tragic for yourself, your passengers or someone else.

• Remember to check the depth and pattern of the tread on your tires regularly. Think safety and alter them before they reach that stage, don’t hold off until they are down to the absolute minimum amount of tread needed for legal purposes.


• Check your tires for signs and symptoms of damage regularly. Look for cracks, bulges and splits or signs that any foreign objects (stones, nails etc.) are embedded in the tire wall. If you notice something unusual get it examined by a specialist.

Always drive with special care and get tires repaired or replaced by the professionals as quickly as possible, even though • Temporary repair kits are offered which are available in very handy by the side of the road in an emergency situation.

At Montclair Nissan they’ve got an effective selection of new and used cars plus a great professional service team. If you are unsure about the quality of your tires why not pop over to Metro Nissan Redlands and also have them checked over.